Kuvia Mileysta+Mileyn kavereista+perheestä+faneista. Eli tosi monipuolisesti kaikkea, suosittele! ;)
Kuvia Pariisin reissusta, kun Miley kävi katsomassa Eiffel tornia ja Notre Damen kirkkoa.
Mileylla on uusi koiranpentu, tai nyt se nähdään ensimmäisen kerran, se on se Mate(suom.= kamu, kaveri). Se on tosi söpö, kuvia kun Miley kävi leikkimässä sen kanssa ulkona, 24.1.
Miley kirjoittaa päivästään MiBlogiin, se oli kuulemma paras päivä vähään aikaan! Kiva, että Mileylla on kivaa<3 :D !
A great day!
Had an awesome day! Slept in until my puppy Mate woke me up with kisses @ 10:30! I sat outside for an hour drinking coffee with my dad, mate, and his doggy tex! Daddy and I caught up on so much stuff! It was so refreshing to enjoy the LA sun with my papa! After that I got ready and drank MORE coffee with my friend Scott and then met up with our friend Fisher and did some shopping!!! I love WEHO! It was so awesome to take Mate out and about and have a day just chillin with the ones I love! Its so great that Mate is a puppy so I can tae him everywhere but it won’t be long until he’s his full size! He’s a german shepard and will get up to 125 lbs! Ahhh! It’ll be a bit more difficult to fit him in my Prius haha! Now I’m at dinner with my dad, Braison, Noah, and Liam! This day has been the best one in a while! Xoxoxo
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